Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Priesthood Blessings/Atonement

I have a ton I should be doing at work right now - but my emotions are too overwhelming not to post.  Last week I was assigned to speak in Sacrament meeting this coming Sunday.  My subject is the 3rd Article of Faith - specifically the Atonement.  I've been able to study some amazing talks so far and have learned things I've never really thought of before.  Now, with that lead in.... 
Sunday evening we were taking my niece MacKinzee back to Maumee to meet her dad.  On the way up I started having some pretty bad pains in my side.  They only increased and no matter what I did there was no relief.  They were a little better (but still bad) when I woke up on Monday, but because I had been off Thurs/Fri of last week I refused to miss work.  I was in pain all day and several people said it sounded like gall stones.  I had resolved to go to Urgent Care after work.  When I got off work I hesitated to go to urgent care because of the money it would cost.  Matt & I ended up going to the dance class at the Y, and when I got in the van (we rode with friends) I got an awful stabbing pain and the pain was now at it's all time high.  I resolved it was time to go to either urgent care or the ER.  As Reel's were dropping us off I strongly felt to ask for a blessing.  So, Bishop came in the house and he and Matt gave me a blessing really quick.  I can't remember the exact wording, but in part of the blessing I was told that Heavenly Father recognizes my temporal body has been given a lot of problems and that He loves me and did this to help me remember the pain the Savior went through for me during the Atonement!  WOW!  The blessing also said that when I turn to Him I will receive the temporary comfort I need to be able to function day to day.  After Bishop left Matt asked me if I still wanted to go to Urgent Care, and even though the pain was still extremely bad, I felt I should have faith that I would receive the comfort promised.  We went to bed shortly after and lying in bed seemed to increase the pain and getting comfortable was not an easy thing to do.  I don't know how long it took me to fall asleep, but once I did I woke up pain free (regarding that specific ailment).  
In the scriptures we are told we will have more blessings than we have room to receive, and I definitely feel that in my life right now.  In most cases I have felt unworthy of such wonderful blessings, but it solidifies my testimony that I have a Father in Heaven that loves me more than I can comprehend.  He is aware of me and my pain, sorrow, and trials.  He loves me so much He sent his Son to die for me.  To suffer more pain in the Garden of Gethsemane, and on the the cross, than we can ever comprehend.  
So, today I am feeling grateful for my physical trials.  I'm feeling grateful for the opportunity to be reminded, in a very small way, of the great pain the Savior suffered for me, for each one of us. I'm feeling very grateful for a Father in Heaven who loves me no matter what.  

1 comment:

  1. Wow Friend that was a pretty awesome blessing!!! I hope you are feeling better, and that things continue to look up for you and Matt. The dancing sounds so much fun, I wish I had a guy to dance with and then I wish there were classes around here that taught ballroom dancing! :) I miss you tons and have been thinking about you the last few months. :)
